‘Starting from Values’ project videos.
These are the University of Brighton videos I produced from supplied footage. Presented here with the ability to view fullscreen.
Originally posted on the university project site.
What is ‘Starting from Values’?
This video shows three main steps used in the values-based approach used in the AHRC-funded Starting from Values project to elicit values and identify legacies of community-university partnership projects.
Why start from values?
This video outlines some of the benefits identified by community partners and researchers from using a values-based approach in their work.
Hour glass: looking at legacies to guide future work.
This video introduces the value of an approach that focuses on legacies rather than impacts.
Explicit Values: A new mechanism for assessing legacies.
This short animated video illustrates new concepts developed in the ‘Starting from Values’ project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, in particular the value of making values explicit when assessing projects, and how this can help to articulate legacies rather than impacts.